About Us

Over 20 years of experience in Tactical Medicine, with a concentration in Austere and High Threat environments; we bring All-Hazard solutions to threats faced by tactical, medical and rescue practitioners.


Fundamental Objectives


program guidance

Program Analysis

Strategic Advice

One-time Training

Ongoing Coaching

Operational Support

Method of service is dictated by client

In-person briefing or presentation

Specialized products

Stake-holder collaboration

Public or Confidential reporting



From reviewing Emergency Action Plans to developing Standard Operating Procedures, Trauma Naked staff have helped to create and establish lasting capabilities in DOS's Bureau of Medical Services, Diplomatic Security Service and beyond.
As a veteran-owned business, Trauma Naked staff members maintain imbeded roles within DoD. Along with combat and combat-advising experience, Trauma Naked staff have trained thousands of military service members prior to their deployment to Warzone or high-threat areas.
With recognized service to the White House Medical Unit, the Trauma Naked staff have experience coordinating and ensuring effective medical care is available to the highest level of government leaders.
In-depth experience with planning and training with FBI HRT and other federal Law Enforcement (LE) agencies. Trauma Naked planners tailor training to adhere to the unique requirements and considerations of LE and other security providers.
Trauma Naked staff have experience operating and teaching in diplomatic missions across the globe. Deployments that required rapid response and execution to assist a US Embassy or US Consulate in-crisis. The results are a cadre of seasoned trainers for any current or future program(s).
With past and current experience in USSOCOM, clients are guaranteed a service and/or product, based on current and relevant knowledge. This mastery of best-practices, includes, but are not limited to current medical certification with USSOCOM as Advanced Tactical Practitioner (ATP)
Trauma Naked staff have assisted in the Secret Service's two distinct and critical national security missions: protecting the nation's leaders and safeguarding the financial and critical infrastructure of the United States. From United Nations General Assembly in New York to overseas travel, Trauma Naked staff are experienced protectors and enablers.
Trained in evaluation of clinical programs across the continuum of care, Trauma Naked staff have worked with Joint Commission accredited organization across the United States of America and the Globe. Trauma Naked uses performance measurement to analyze and improve client performance.
Along with medical expertise, Trauma Naked staff are experienced security professionals. This includes certification in Worldwide Protective Services (WWPS). The WWPS covers static guard, team-based emergency response and armed personal protective security services. Trauma Naked ensures an All-Hazard approach to solutions, which are based on current security methodology and client procedure.
Apparel, Homeware, Accessories, and Drinkware
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